Can anyone recommend a good orthopedist? Having problems with my lower back, bulging disc and deterioration. Had a MRI recently. Went to a pain management,...
Christine W. replied:
Heidi. Go into this and then scroll down. Look on the left. Dr Lee is number one rated.
Diane L. replied:
NY Bone and Joint Hospital on 2 nd ave. in Manhattan..
Rose C. replied:
Dr Cappelini - took care of me for 6 yrs --awesome, no more back pain and stay away from epidural very painful and dosnt help ( not for me anyway )
Diane S. replied:
Dr. Goldstein, Oril & Cohen in Merrick on sunrise
Heidi V. replied:
Christine, Carol, Diane are the doctors orthopedists? Pain management? Thank you. I will have to do some investigating says mom, lol
Twinki B. replied:
Dr. Dowling in Commack is supposed to be excellent. i went to him. he's not the most personable doctor, but very good.
Frank D. replied:
Hosp for Special Services in NYC. They are all the best doctors under one roof.
Kerry F. replied:
We shld talk. I rec nerve block especially for immediate relief. The best neurosurgery in this area is Dr. Epstein in Babylon he performs in office with high tech. Some do by general area. He does a lot in office and is amazing. I wld get a 2 nd opinion from neck & spine institute or the sports / orthopedic in the city - the best.
Christine W. replied:
BEST is Dr Lee in East Meadow. My husband goes to him. It is a pain management office. He gets the epidurals there. VERY VERY NICE people!!!