Looking for a good FoCo Vet I just moved to Fort Collins about a month ago and I have two small 12lb or so sized dogs that are 8 and 9. My 9 year old has severe...
TheSlovakWonder replied:
Timberline Animal Hospital is an amazing practice. All of the receptionist and vet techs know who my dog and I am, and Dr. Tim Rowe is super caring of the animals he interacts with. They even sent me a card around the holidays with everyone's handwritten signature. Great people there.
BurtonRider85 replied:
I can’t recommend Aspen Grove enough!
roobot replied:
Anyone have any recommendations or negative stories about the CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital?
11m4a replied:
I love the Raintree Animal Clinic! Have used them for the past few years with my cat and have nothing but great things to say about them!
MattPenhale replied:
Can’t recommend City Park Animal Clinic enough. Always taken care of me and my pets.
Denver80 replied:
Since nobody has said it, I've had great experiences with Moore animal hospital on Stover. They've done a great job on giving me a ton of information about my puppy and are always available to answer questions. Probably similar wherever you go but i recommend Moore.
Mr_Bubbles replied:
[Paws of the Rockies](http://www.pawsoftherockies.com/) on Harmony is great. Dr. Mark has been taking care of our pups for many years.
original_4degrees replied:
we have had good experiences with the [pet wellness clinic](http://www.thepetwellnessclinic.com/)
chilidog41 replied:
I would shoot for Wellington Vet Hospital, they're a little more pricey but didn't push medicine or products on to us. All the owners are CSU grads and are members of AAHA which is a very small group of Vet hospitals across America, look them up and give them a call.