Does anyone know of a soccer league or art class I can enroll my 3 year old daughter in? Thanks!!!
Bill R. replied:
SDA in Montclair has a "Peanuts" program for 3 yr olds. Both my kids did it and enjoyed. Very low key and fun.
Sandra B. replied:
Ekaterina Ermilkina holds art classes for small children. She is an award-winning artist in West Caldwell. PM her through her FB page.
Rae C. replied:
Montclair Art Museum has all sorts of classes.
Ann B. replied:
Melon Ball Art Studio973.988.3020 in Fairfield has classes for ages 3-18
Can anyone recommend a good sleepaway camp for my 14 year old son who would be a first time camper. He has Aspergers but very low on the spectrum and is starting HS in...
Judy I. replied:
I don't know about a site for sleepaway camps, but I do know about Camp Kodiak (I think it's in Canada just above east coast) that many families have liked. While it's not specifically for ASD kids, they know how to help them and for the high functioning kid they work on many of the same skills. It's a camp for kids with "learning differences". Depending on how old the kid is there's also a program I've heard good things about called From my friend, Dr. Sarita Freedman. Check out her FB page - College on the Spectrum