Looking for your experiences with daycares/preschools in the area It's difficult for me to find legitimate reviews online of the daycares in this area. Anyone have...
crimsondhampiel replied:
I'm not going to bad mouth, but I would not recommend Butterflies and Frogs in Fayetteville location.
HoosierDaddy3 replied:
Highly recommend Fayetteville Montessori. Had multiple kids there when they were ages 6 months - 6 years old. Would do it all over again.
HoosierDaddy3 replied:
Yep. Definitely not the most affordable option.
fatpat03 replied:
[Pine Crest Private School](http://www.pinecrestprivateschool.com/) in Bentonville is fantastic but it is a bit pricey too. Their sister school is [Cedar Crest Academy](http://www.cedarcrestnwa.com/) in Fayetteville. Not sure about their reputation though.
RealFastMando replied:
PRISM is a great school. They also offer scholarships if needed. Great staff and all are well educated.
annerevenant replied:
I just finished going through this, in the end we chose one based on availability, location, and price but made sure that had overall positive reviews and and no recent violations according to the [dhs](https://dhs.arkansas.gov/dccece/cclas/facilitysearch.aspx) website. I would highly recommended checking the site for visit problems vs complaints, I was shocked to see that some of them were cited for spanking children. This is also where you can see whether they're better beginnings certified which means they exceed state minimum training fir licensure. It's a frustrating and scary process so I wish you the best of luck!
FB Friends! I am student teaching in the Spring and am looking to switch Zaden's preschool! I am looking at places in Fayetteville or Springdale on the Har-Ber/Hellstern...