Where does one get help with meds there are a lot of help with the mental health but I have not seen any help for financial aid for meds you need. ANY help out...
Stephanie R. replied:
My Insurance company will pay part of my spirallacton because I am considered a male but none on my estrogen and I am having trouble with the 65 dollars a month cost of it.
Kathleen T. replied:
Here' WalMart Scrip List 30 days $4 or 90 days $10 https://www.lowestmed.com/walmart-4-dollar-list/
Kathleen T. replied:
Michigan Drug Prices.comhttp://www.michigandrugprices.com/
Kathleen T. replied:
Free or Low Cost Prescription Medication http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71547_2943_52115-203872--,00.html
Anyone know of a preschool/ child care day care that is very reliable and a place you would feel comfortable letting your child go to. Within flint or Burton. Burton...