Our service - MHIC#133144 if you need help in your project let us know we do bathroom remodeling -Roof-Carpentry drywAll-Painting-power Wash-and Cleaning Service-&-all remodeling service - and prepare Your Houses for the market-- 10 Years serving in the are- MHIC # 133144 Ernesto Faustino 301-525-7965https://www.facebook.com/FaustinosPainting-and-Home-Improvement-INC-559066427491784/ faustinospainting10@gmail.com
Barbara N. replied:
Nash Floor Co. - they have been around for over 90 years http://www.nashcarpetonerockville.com/about-us
Looking to get hardwoods stained in new home. Any good contractors or flooring companies that people have had good experiences with?
Francisco F. replied:
Our service if you need help in your project let us know we do bathroom remodeling -Roof-Carpentry drywAll-Painting-power Wash-and Cleaning Service-&-all remodeling service - and prepare Your Houses for the market-- 10 Years serving in the are- MHIC # 133144 Ernesto Faustino 301-525-7965https://www.facebook.com/FaustinosPainting-and-Home-Improvement-INC-559066427491784/ 301-525-7965 Ernesto Faustino