@SavourStratford @saunoris Need recs for modern-contempo 2-bed hotel/inn and A+ eats for a girls getaway in July. Help?
Stratford O. replied:
Definitely https://www.twitter.com/monfortedairy . Also https://www.twitter.com/downiestburgershttps://www.twitter.com/pizzabistro72https://www.twitter.com/thebrucehotelhttps://www.twitter.com/littleredspubhttps://www.twitter.com/wawagrub You won't go hungry!
Stratford O. replied:
Sorry, that should be http://www.visitstratford.ca .
Any hotels in the area? I'll be at Avalon Skateboard Fest on Saturday and will probably stay over night in Gainesville, if I can find a reasonable hotel.
Neena S. replied:
Hey Ronald, there are several hotels in the area. The Quality Inn University is a good option at a cheap price but you can also find plenty of others pretty close to the race site.
Anybody know of any places that my sister and her bf can go they just became homeless n have alil money any know of amy places for rent for cheap or any hotels that r...