Shopping for home Internet service... any thoughts on good deals/service in Granbury??
Jack J. replied:
Your Internet service depends on where you live/work in town... Charter is not everywhere... AT&T isn't everywhere... Windstream is only in the Acton area... there is also Skybeam/Rise and Nextlink which are "wireless/line of sight" providers. I prefer Charter myself for home and business (this is Cable Internet). AT&T and Windstream are phone providers. If you need help, we are Metrogeek We offer computer and IT services - including helping you select the best Internet service for your home or office. 776-4807
Looking for internet service. I have Charter but the offer they sent me in the mail they said they can do. Hmmm. Please any good companies let me know!
$12,345 - Tolar, TX (76476)
Can anyone tell me the best Internet service provider for high speed in the Tolar area? We are right on the line of Granbury/Tolar at...