Reccomendations for post-divorce mediator? My parents got divorced in court at the beginning of July and they've been trying to handle things amongst themselves which...
Bluegrasscat replied:
I am a family law attorney in town. There a couple of factors that need to be considered when selecting a mediator. Cost, experience, issues to be mediated, reasonableness of the parties / likelihood of settlement and temperament of the mediator.
If cost is the most important factor then the FOC is now doing walk in mediations that are free. But, there is no guarantee that the mediator will be a lawyer who can advise on how the judge may rule.
DRC is the most affordable option. They do income based mediation as they’re a nonprofit. The downside is that you don’t know which mediator will be assigned, they don’t handle strictly family law, and the mediator may not be an attorney.
Most law firms in town who do mediations will likely be too expensive for small post judgment issues, upwards of $300 - $600 per hour split between the parties. There are dozens of certified mediators, who are also experienced attorneys, in Kent county. But in actuality, there are only a handful whose practice is made up mostly of mediations.
Most attorneys use Mary Benedict. She’s an attorney, affordable, vastly experienced, and has an office / practice that can comfortably handle a mediation.
Tl;dr if cost is the deciding factor then the order goes FOC, DRC, Mary Benedict.
Best of luck OP feel free to message me if you have any questions.
NaughtyNiceGirl replied:
Oh man...I don't have any recommendations, OP, but I just wanted to wish you well. I hope you're doing okay!
fanceeladd replied:
Friend of the Court offers mediation []( I can't speak to how good it is, though. I didn't go through mediation for my divorce but my interactions with FoC were frustrating at best.
crankypants15 replied:
Why do they need mediation? Everything has to be written in the Divorce Agreement, *everything*, even down to who gets what vacuum cleaner. Is someone violating the DA? If so, they file a complaint with FOC. I sure hope they didn't get their DA from a book at the library. Source: I'm divorced in West Michigan.