I have a question I hope one of you can help with. I am from Michigan city but moved away a few years ago. Still have family there but they can't really help. I am...
Constance B. replied:
Bill Janes..... or Ed janes
Donna K. replied:
Try Martin Ulfert on Washington St. I never used him but my brother in law says he's no nonsense and get things done.
Jennifer B. replied:
Ed Janes.
Jane W. replied:
Pam Krause no longer has her practice Dave Burns
Kathy C. replied:
Kristina Jacobucci out of LaPorte.
Jennifer D. replied:
Kristina Jacobucci in Laporte
Andy N. replied:
Jim Kaminsky, LaPorte. Newby, Lewis, Kamisnsky and Jones.
Darlene P. replied:
Heard Martin not that good...
Debbie P. replied:
Bill Herbach is still in MC or The firm that Andy Neal sent is also good.
Anyone know a good lawyer that would be able to advise us if we have a good case please message us on here! Hopefully free advise...lol
GailandRon D. replied:
You can also look up the tenant landlord law online for Indiana as well. It is public knowledge. Here is a website: http://www.in.gov/legislative/ic/2010/title32/ar31/
GailandRon D. replied:
and here is another one: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/states/indiana/renting/tenantrights. I hope this can help you some bit till you find someone to talk to...
I need a land contract...Attorney friends please inbox me!
Joel C. replied:
I use rocket lawyer for all of my contracts. https://www.rocketlawyer.com/secure/interview/new.aspx?id=1367&utm_source=103&utm_medium=cpc&try=1&v=3&utm_account=RL-Docs-Search-Text-GDN&utm_campaign=Beta-Professional-Search&utm_adgroup=%281367%29 land-contract-templates%28 personal%29&utm_term=land%2520 contract%2520 template%2520 free&gclid=CNv31 s6VwbgCFYyd4AodZicAHw
Anyone know a good local lawyer for taking someone to court over debts they owe? Tried being nice, but a local "Christian" boy and his friends have taken advantage of...
Megihann L. replied:
Not sure what county you are looking but we use Scott Lennox in Warsaw. He's super feisty and I love that
Nathan L. replied:
The pee wee football organization used Tom Black.
Lisa R. replied:
Tom Black, in Plymouth.
Christine J. replied:
Judge Judy!
Marianne R. replied:
Get on LegalZoom.com and read up on taking people to small claims court. They will instruct you to first write a "Letter of Demand" and tell you exactly how to do it. If that doesn't work, you move on to filing the suit. Someone owed me money and paid up immediately when he got my letter of demand.
Brenda S. replied:
if you want to WIN.... we used Torrey Bauer from Warsaw! office on east side of courthouse. Check out his long record of experience!!~ (we won grandparent visitation with him!) do NOT use Greg Heller from Roch!
Didnt know IN advanced directives was a whole book! Do i need a lawyer for this??
Cynthia B. replied:
Nope...go to legalzoom.com, and you can craft your document(s) there for a very reasonable price. Yury and I did our wills, living wills and durable POAs through that site.