Hello /r/accounting. I have started my own small business and I want to track expenses now while I am still looking for a CPA. A little assistance please? Im sure this...
illuman23 replied:
You can go fairly primitive and just track accounts receivable on one tab, accounts payable on another, and then just keep a separate mileage log. Keep your invoices and receipts organized by month. Go over your bank statement monthly to verify all transactions are recorded, and your future accountant should be able to take it from there. Really the excel is just a glorified checkbook register and invoice/receivables log. Don't bother with double entry or accrual accounting, just track who/where/when/why the cash is coming in and who/where/when/why the cash is going out. Hope this helps out.
jawshoe replied:
keep all receipts/documents. everything
Anagittigana replied:
You need to record the following every day: * People who owe you money w/ amount and due date * People who you owe money w/ amount and due date * cash coming in and out of the business w/ amount, reason * any tax element of the above should be recorded separately so you can prepare your tax return properly Keep all receipts & documents as already said below.
NoMoChoco replied:
Nothing wrong with using Excel. This is what I use for my wife, who's a 1099 employee. Under each heading, left column is for the date, middle is for the amount, and any notes related to the transaction, if necessary, go in the right. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgQbCK6ZluAndDFSRWJpOVVvYlFnNnRRdjFGSDJ6 c2 c#gid=0