Does anyone know a piano tuner and can replace strings ?
Hope P. replied:
Mike this guy is very reputable.
Dan P. replied:
Heya Mike. I'd second what Laura said. I've dealt with the fine folks of Haverhill music for decades and they always at least know someone that can do whatever you ask them. One thing I would recommend though is get 3 or 4 estimates if it's not a new piano. By new I mean less than 30 years old. I've had 2 over the years that the prices varied greatly but even the cheapest was too expensive. The string replacement is easy but tuning an old one they either flat out won't, or will give you a pretty large disclaimer for if they break or fall out of tune, they're not responsible. Most pianos need much more than that to tune though, new hammers and hammer head conditioning, etc, etc, etc. There's a reason so many people will give you a free piano as long as you take it! If it's a newer upright, like a Kimball or Yamaha, then it will be simple and cheap. Good luck!