Looking for a great dentist in the area. I need an unsettling amount of work and my favorite dentist is sadly too far away to make regular visits to. Any suggestions?
Josie B. replied:
Doctor Taylor in Henderson is awesome!!
Diane H. replied:
Mollie, we use Chip Swinney on Old Bullard Road and really like him.
Molly H. replied:
Dr.Jeff Davis in Kilgore. Your uncle Bob hated going to the dentist beforewe found Dr.Davis.
Kathy R. replied:
Dr. Red Fox Longview great staff and very nice man
T.d. G. replied:
Henderson family dentistry Buddy Furqueron
Susan D. replied:
Dr Desantos in kilgore is awesome!
Peggie S. replied:
Dr. Chad Silvertooth in Sabine is great!!
Wendy V. replied:
Cool smiles here in Kilgore i really like the dentist
If anyone knows of any organization that provides financial help for radiation therapy please in box me with name and contact numbers if you have them. I want to thank...
Andrea S. replied:
Gary, I will send you contact #'s for both Bethesda Adult Health Care clinic in Tyler and the Molina Health Care organization - not sure - but maybe worth contacting!! I have the info at work - stay tuned...
Ugur G. replied:
Brother Gary our prayers are with Glynda and all her loved ones