KC chimney cleaner recommendations? Looking to get our chimney cleaned and prepped for winter use--anyone have any quality recommendations in KCK area? Thanks!
Fracking_Toasters replied:
We used Flues Brothers when we had our chimney inspected and cleaned when we bought our house. They were very professional, thorough, and reasonably priced.
ETuesday replied:
Please use the search function. https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/comments/3 pf32 y/chimney_cleaning/
lifeinrednblack replied:
[These Guys.](http://www.mbetancourt.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Screen-Shot-2013-07-16-at-4.44.12-PM.png) are supposed to do pretty good work for cheap. I've heard they tend to take awhile though.