Midtown childcare? Hey everyone,
My partner and I have been searching frantically for childcare for our September arrival, and we're quickly learning what an uphill...
Recent-Possibility30 replied:
It might be worth asking around in KCK. The district had something available early in the year because of COVID for teachers who needed to be on-site to work, but I’ve been out long enough I don’t know if that’s still a thing. Otherwise it could be worth just asking coworkers with kids or neighbors what they do - could you get a referral somewhere?
totaldeb replied:
Maybe try willow woods in Westport? We haven't started there yet but my friend just got in for September. I've heard good things. I also loved dream palace on troost during my tour but willow had way better covid protocols (maybe it all doesn't matter with a bunch of slobbery kids lol).
BarnabyBronson replied:
Having been through this myself a few years ago, I truly wish you the best of luck. I remember we started looking around the time our baby was born, thinking a couple months before we needed the daycare to start would be plenty of time to find it. We basically got laughed out of the some of the places. We had no idea people started putting their names on the waiting lists as soon as they get pregnant or earlier. It was an eye opening experience. A referral is what finally saved us.
bees_knees5628 replied:
I would try childcareaware.com. Good luck!
catcolonyqueen replied:
Check Uncle Sam’s in the KCK federal building. There is a discount for federal employees but they take others too. I don’t think they’re able to advertise much so we found the waitlist was much more reasonable and we were really happy with the care.
bchnyc replied:
We used Union Hill Day school for years. They’re near Crown Center.
lazhiji replied:
If you are on FB, there are several groups where nannies/sitters/in-home childcare places list their availability. Good luck though, we had twins and we put our names down on every single possible list during Week 5 of the pregnancy and were only told there was availability at 2 places AFTER they were born.
RogueSoloErso replied:
Not midtown but we've been here for years and love it. They open enrollment to the public in April and will have open spots. https://www.centralearlychildhood.com/