Recommend a good divorce lawyer in Lansing area? Any help or experience is appreciated.
mattmorg55 replied:
Jane Radner destroyed my ex girlfriends lawyer. In a contentious divorce you need someone who's smart and kind of a dick.
buddahwannabe replied:
I'm using one who only charges a 2 k flat fee. She responds timely and has done many divorces. She's smart and professional.
whoopsicles replied:
Natalie Alane. Not the greatest boss, but a really good attorney. Very thorough and neat freak in regards to her documentation. Doesn't miss any details in her work, even asks the opposing counsel to change comma placements so the meaning is clear in any proposed orders or documents. Looks out for client's best interests. I have seen opposing counsel that did not fight for their clients to get more out of the divorce. She is fare but persistent. Edit: I worked at a divorce attorney office and dealt with many different divorce lawyers, but have not heard of those other ones. Edit2: OP I would advise to be cautious with small flat fees because every divorce is different and a lot of times only the simplest of divorce where both parties agree on everything will cost you that much. If you have to file motions after motions and other partner is not cooperative, the divorce can easily run up to few more thousands. I have seen divorces that cost over 100k simply because people did not cooperate and had to keep going to court, meaning more attorney fees for preparation, document prep, and time used.
azumatora replied:
Ray Buffmyer in Charlotte is good--he was my mom's attorney for both divorces and she came out well.