I am looking to hire a plumber who can diagnose and fix a water leak in Ukiah. Please respond with recommendations or what your price and availability is.
Melinda C. replied:
Deanna Rodrick-Crosby Ron?
Kelly B. replied:
DC Carpenter plumbing
Edith S. replied:
Ron Crosby
Mollie B. replied:
Tom Wake Plumbing.
Tori C. replied:
DC Carpenter Plumbing
Terri C. replied:
Ron Crosby good job good price 972-2054
Tad D. replied:
$20 per hour 7073917890 call me any time
Morgan Y. replied:
David Patrick construction. he does everything. He's awesome. Quick, reliable and reasonably priced 621-4524
Stacey C. replied:
Ken Caico of Caico's Plumbing at 707.391-0431. Check YELP reviews for local recommendations.
Chandra H. replied:
Tri Counties
Linda W. replied:
Tom Wake Plumbing391-4343. Located in Ukiah - does all phases of plumbing & is licensed.