Anybody have recommendations for an optometrist in Augusta/Evans/Martinez? Just need routine eye exam and contacts. Thanks:)
Tammy A. replied:
Dr. Broome on Belair Road next to CVS.
Jessica V. replied:
Dr. Morgan
Mary B. replied:
Dr. Broome is GREAT!
Kirsten S. replied:
Dr. Broome! His office is across from Evans cinema next to brusters.
Stephanie W. replied:
Dr. Broome is the best!!!
Melissa P. replied:
Thanks! Looks like Dr. Broome wins the vote:)
Amber D. replied:
Dean Michael.....eye glass world Bobby friend for 13 years, used to be at Sears...they go to our pool...wonderful man and family
Melissa P. replied:
Those of you that go to Dr. Broome, do you buy contacts there? How are his prices on contacts? My exam is covered at 100%, but I have to buy contacts out of pocket so want to find somewhere that's reasonable. I don't even know what's reasonable b/c they were always covered under my old insurance.