Madison Animal Lovers!! Can anyone recommend a good veterinarian who will come to someone's home to help an older dog transition over the Rainbow Bridge. Friend of a...
Marilyn O. replied:
OK. I found someone on Monona Drive across from the golf court. They may come to the house if it is the vicinity. Monona Vet. I spoke with Kay 608-222-9342. I hoe this helps!
Marcia M. replied:
Lake View Veterinary 3518 Monroe St 236-4570...If Cathy isn't working let them know Anita recommended, they should know her...Hope that helps, sorry for the owners loss...M
Jen T. replied:
Lakeview Vet on Monroe - they are all wonderful and will come to your home.
Jeannie D. replied:
Sandy South, Poynette Animal Hospital635-7037. I used to use her and she came to my home twice.
Tricia M. replied:
Stoughton veterinary services off of highway 51 by the Walmart in Stoughton. Been with them for 12 years now. They will come to the home and help the dog have peace.
Marcia M. replied:
JT....Cathy Wenzel...
Shannon M. replied:
Jody Bearman - call All Pets to get her phone number.
Karen K. replied:
Katie Hilst DVM, 608-347-1897, specializes in in home transitions - she was wonderful for us . . .
Christine R. replied:
Yes; was going to recommend Stoughton Vet...873-8022