$40/hr for a math tutor for our 6th grader. Any opinions on whether or not that sounds fair? Sounds like a lot to me but I realize that people need to be compensated for...
Dee L. replied:
Melanie, try this website...it might be helpful. https://www.khanacademy.org/
Sandy B. replied:
Rick Jacobsen...does The Yarn Foundation tutor at The Cave?
Angie M. replied:
Hi Mel, we paid 90 and 96 an hour at two different locations so that doesn't sound bad but you should call IMSA because a lot of their students tutor for free for Christian service hours. Mandy's BF did it and it worked great for her....
Melanie E. replied:
Where is the Cave? Sandy Jacobsen Baechler or Rick Jacobsen
Kristie B. replied:
Mel- I know there are high school students who tutor for hours for National Honor Society. Definitely give them a call to check. I also know a great math tutor. She does charge $40.00 per hour too. Let me know and I will see if she is accepting new students.