Looking for a female psychologist to help with a friends anxiety issues... any West Island recommendations???
Gina P. replied:
Violet Reveirahttp://violetreveira.com/
Vittoria F. replied:
Jacqueline Miller
Sharon N. replied:
Paula Lorimer is wonderful in Lachine and so is https://www.facebook.com/1691139757816474 Levell Patric https://www.facebook.com/1691556627840106 ia Psychologist in B'aie D'urfe. at the Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center.
Victoria M. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/474592712577729 West Island Therapy Centre. I know both Lisa Brookman and Stephanie Brookman who work there - they are both wonderful, compassionate women. I'm sure they will be able to help.
Jennifer L. replied:
West Island therapy centre
Jennifer W. replied:
Jenn G. replied:
Montreal Center for anxiety and depression
Audrey S. replied:
For a child ABC Solutions For adults https://www.facebook.com/474592712577729 West Island Therapy Centre
Does anyone know of a good psychologist in the west island, specializing in anxiety/depression? For a 20 year old female. I think young would be a plus. Thanks.
Vittoria F. replied:
Jacqueline Miller on Shakespeare and St. Jean. She is on vacation now, though.
Deanna H. replied:
Stephane Bensoussan
David N. replied:
Stephane Bensoussan great, treats all what you mentioned. He is a great person as well. Clinique Psysante in Pierrefonds close to sources..
Erin O. replied:
Lisa Brockman West Island Therapy
Josie P. replied:
Deanna H. replied:
Rozel G. replied:
Shannon Walsh specializes in teens.
Valerie S. replied:
I strongly recommend the Mindspace clinic in Westmount. I suffer from general anxiety disorder and their approach with mindfulness is great! http://mindspaceclinic.com/
Yolanda G. replied:
Beth Randolph in Pointe-Claire on Cartier. https://itemface.com/face/4 jSI97RcbKimgewD?l=en
Maryse L. replied:
Erin Hall
Annie F. replied:
Dr. Wendy Smith on St.Charles in Kirkland
Robin B. replied:
I trust Paula Lorimer, her clinic is in Lachine https://www.facebook.com/491832150841870 Evolution Psychology Center. Good luck!
TracyLeigh C. replied:
Dr. Emily Blake at Blake Psychology in Pointe-Claire
Good Morning Wic,
I need references for a psychologist/ counsellor that specializes in grief counselling in the west island for my teenage daughter. Thanks in advance
Julia C. replied:
I'm so sorry for your loss. The funeral homes can direct you and often offer a free support service. Try contacting Peter at Collins Clarke in Pointe Claire.
Chrystal C. replied:
Yogalogy in the West Island specialized with teens and mental health www.yogalogy.ca
Kelliana C. replied:
Vicki Veroff at West Island Neuro and Counseling Centre can refer you to someone from her excellent team. 514-505-9462.
Marshall D. replied:
Corrie Sirota
Tracey M. replied:
Lori Vinaric, SW specializing in grief counselling, located on St John's http://www.lorivinaric.com/
Ashley F. replied:
Corrie Sirota is an amazing grief counsellor! Check out her website www.corriesirota.com to contact her
Steve H. replied:
Nova in Beaconsfield https://www.novawi.org/copie-de-soutien-au-deuil
Another question from a reader.
"Hi, My husband is in cancer remission and we are looking to find a psychologist or psychiatrist that can help him heal and get him back...
Moms M. replied:
You can try contacting http://www.wicwc.org/
Hedy D. replied:
Dr.Stephane BenSoussan at PsySante on Blv St Jean
Stephane B. replied:
Hello, thanks for the good references. I would be happy to speak to him and let im know what resources are at our clinic and in the community. Have him call me at 514-620-3535. Stephane Bensoussan, Holistic Psychologist
Melanie L. replied:
Toni Rebic on st catherine st ouest
Erica M. replied:
Also if you are looking for a support group Cedars CanSupport (where I work but on mat leave) offers a post treatment support group (so does west island wellness center) you can cell Jenniffer at the Royal Victoria Hospital at 514-934-1934 x35297 for information! Good luck and that open to anyone no matter where they got treatment.
CBT psychologist recommendations? Could anyone recommend a CBT psychologist, preferably on Island? I did the google thing but all these websites read like a late night...
kpaxonite replied:
I think pretty much all psychologists use cdt as part of therapy these days. You could try the argyle institute.
blueruby808 replied:
http://cbtclinic.ca/ This is where I go/recommended by my GP.
blueruby808 replied:
Oh yes. I was also recommended to read this book, where CBT techniques are covered. https://www.amazon.ca/Feeling-Good-New-Mood-Therapy/dp/0380810336
pkzilla replied:
Yeah med websites are not very great. I had a very good therapist for CBT for my anxiety over at the http://www.qehc.org/ Queen Elizabeth Health Complex in NDG. http://www.qehc.org/view_tenant?id=2
Etilla replied:
Clcs have social workers that can do therapy if not they also have lists of private psychologists you could see. Make sure they are part of the professional order of psychologists and therapists.
jfsantos replied:
Try contacting the [Montreal Therapy Centre](https://www.montrealtherapy.com) and describe what you are looking for. They will refer you to a therapist that is a good match.
jakeopolis replied:
Really depends on what you’re seeking help with and why you’re specifically interested in CBT. CBT is wonderful for many things but not for others. Also depends on how much money you’re willing to spend.
can anyone recommend a
Reputable psychologist for younger woman in 20s having issues with mother and other things. I wouldn't know a specific type of psychologist but...
Pamela O. replied:
Emily Blake.
Donny P. replied:
Karen C. replied:
Stephane Bensoussan
Karen C. replied:
Psy Sante.
Melanie D. replied:
Emily Blake
Alison P. replied:
Suzanne Lamontagne at westislandneurofeedback.com
Andrea S. replied:
Emily Stait in Beaconsfield. How highly recommend. Personally recommend for an adult with parent issues. ;)
Hello! Can anyone suggest a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist that can support our son (almost 6 yrs old) and ourselves with his gender non-conformity?
émilie J. replied:
HéBert PionfaitQuoi
HéBert P. replied:
Dr Gosh au Montreal children. Il a toute une équipe qui travaille avec lui. C'est le spécialiste pour les enfants trans à Montréal. Je crois qu'il est pédiatre.
Marc L. replied:
Francoise Susset. http://fr.ismh-isms.com
Kji K. replied:
Effectivement. La clinique fait les deux. Dr Gosh, pédiatre qui fait eval et suivi physique réfère a MUSIC/COSUM pour le coté évaluation et support psychologique puisque la psychiatre qui travaillait avec eux n'y est plus. COSUM était initialement un centre pour adultes mais devant le manque de services pour enfants ailleurs, on s'y consacre de plus en plus
Hi! I'm looking for a psychologist who does psycho-educational assessments. Preferably in the West Island. Any recommendations? TIA!
Teresa O. replied:
Tiffany L. replied:
Dr. Elizabeth Shoiry
Linda P. replied:
I'm another big fan of Dr. Yaniv Elharrar! My son loved him and he gave us a comprehensive evaluation and excellent advice.
Lesley C. replied:
I used Dr. Elharrar a few years ago for my son and he was fantastic !!
Liane B. replied:
Dr. Andrée-Anne Meilleur:)
Heather D. replied:
Dr. Vicky Veroff
Samantha S. replied:
I liked west island therapy center. Dr Jamie Duggan was great.
Bruna M. replied:
My son had a very efficient assessment with Dr Diane Potvin in Dorval. She even went to my son's elementary school at the time to meet with the principal to explain his learning disabilities. I highly recommend her
Sabrina B. replied:
West island therapy centre. Dr. Yaniv Elharrar is great!
Lissa A. replied:
I second Vicki Veroff. http://www.vickiveroff.com/services.html
Looking for suggestions on a Private Child Psychiatrist not psychologist - the public sector is too long.
Karen C. replied:
Stephane Bensoussan
Anna Z. replied:
Dr. Lapierre tiny tots decarie. You need a reference and she is covered by the health card
Maria M. replied:
Hello Lindsey Wax Sasson There's a wonderful centre of Psychiatrist and Psychologist for both adults, and children. However! It is downtown. They often do take new patients almost right away, if I'm not mistaken I believe it's covered by the RAMQ. I know of someone who goes to this centre to be treated by a psychiatrist. They have nothing but outstanding things to say on how it's helped them. http://www.medego.ca/team.html