Where Can I Find Deck Flooring Like This? Helping a friend with his roof, and saw that the neighbor had [this kind of flooring]( http://www.imgur.com/m54RizN) on his...
Kriegenstein replied:
It is vinyl deck covering. I was at a viewing for a house a few weeks ago and they had it on their deck. It is not a standalone deck board like some of the composite stuff posted, it is merely a floating surface that goes over existing decking. It was a product similar this: http://www.lbplastics.com/products/decking/deck-cover/default.php
trippinwontnothard replied:
I dk what that is, but it' really ugly. I highly suggest Trex: http://www.trex.com/
woodowl replied:
That looks like composite decking. [Here](http://www.calibamboo.com/outdoor-decking-caramel-wide-composite.html?gclid=CN_n_ZbJ0MACFSdp7AodcFMAdw) is a link to one kind, but you would have to see if there is a composite deck distributor anywhere near you.
Anonymous replied:
sonnyclips replied:
Take the pick to the desk at the lumber yard and they'll sort you out.
Darth_Shitlord replied:
Try googling "extruded plastic deck boards" I see a few with similar surface patterns. Could be your feeling that it is plastic will guide you, looks like you can find something really close.
RGreenway replied:
The aluminum product is quite cool and easy to install. http://www.nexaninc.com/products/decking/lockdry-waterproof-decking This one has a plastic coating... http://www.versadeck.com/ Good luck on your hunt.