Thinking about starting an in home daycare is there a need for one in this area?
$25 - 52623
I am a mother of a 1 year old and a step mother to a 5 year old. I live in...
Looking for a childcare provider in New London IA, prefer DHS approved, two openings, starting in August.
would be needed a couple hours during later afternoon.
Looking for daycare for my two month old baby girl so I can start working again. Wouldn't need full days just three to five hours a day. Preferably someone in mount...
Are you or someone you know looking for childcare? I have 2 full time childcare openings available in my home. Monday-Friday 5:30am-6pm CPR certified. Message me for...
Looking for a daycare provider for monday-friday from 2:30pm the latest is 5:30pm. So only for a couple hours, need to have experience and live in mount pleasant or...
Looking for daycare
$123,456,789 - New London, IA (52645)
I'm looking for daycare in new london or mount pleasant for my 2 kids. I work Saturday to Monday 530 am to 6...
Iso: baby swing and toddler chair
FREE - Fairfield, Iowa
Looking for a rocking baby swing and a toddler chair for my daycare children. Preferably cheap or donated!