Does anyone have any sources or references to what a rough idea would be for an annual income for your average farmers, laborers, skilled tradesmen, &c.? Ideally,...
Hello Jason; Something that might dovetail well with your question might be the various wage and price control acts of several states during the war. They set caps on how much could be charged for goods and labor. They might serve as a basis for calculations in different locations. vYNZb_yQTV0IC4DQ&ved=0CEYQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=1777%20 yard%20 wide%20 tow%20 cloth&f=false
There are equipment and other lists (wages, subsistence, etc.) for militia here, s5I&hl=en&sa=X&ei=P9DnU87 rN8 aWyASUxIJg&ved=0CCEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Dunstable%20Massachusetts%22%20%22Abial%20Colburn%22&f=false
Is there a Christian type book store in Muncie? If so where.
Joye H. replied:
Believe it or not, Books A Million in the mall has a whole section.
Cheryl C. replied:
Gaithers Christian Bookstore in Alexandria
Mandi E. replied:
Marion has The Tree of Life
Anna M. replied:
I don't think we have one in Muncie anymore. But if you go to the Attic Window and Goodwill they usually always have some sort of Christian books. If you're looking for Christian furnishing and stuff like that I would go to LifeWay in Castleton. It's very similar to Family Christian store