Will preparation? Can anyone recommend a lawyer for a simple will? I don't have a spouse or dependents. I have financial assets but they already have beneficiaries. My...
DEStudent replied:
I can't answer your questions, but wanted to provide you with a resource: http://www.dhss.delaware.gov/dsaapd/advance1.html
Bubujelra replied:
PistolLips replied:
Vance Funk IV He is located in Newark. Great guy. He typically takes care of my real estate transactions, but does wills as well. You reminded me I need to do the same thing. http://www.funklawoffices.com/
Attorney friends. I have been asking around without any luck. Does anyone know an attorney that would represent a homeowner who was ripped off by a contractor. They...
Edward H. replied:
Costello and mains but do not know if they practice in De also Peter Tren from premier realty would know.
James M. replied:
Attorney General is free .
Darren C. replied:
Maybe Don Roberts, Roberts Law. 999-8300, don@robertslawde.com.
Newark friends... We are in need of a Delaware lawyer to handle a simple will/trust without swindling first-time parents and charging thousands of dollars. Any...
Does anybody recommend a lawyer that will do a simple will? Just want to have our life in order, even though we don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.
Hi facebook friends if any one is looking or knows anyone looking for a room mate please let me know asap I really need to move out of where I am at. Also if anyone...
Well aunt betty my lawyer said he can't find a will so maybe someone will have to pay me.guess who? It will take time.he wants to sue for 8mil.please pray for me.then I...