Looking for a good plant shop/nursery I’m fairly new to Providence (lived mostly in Warwick my whole life) and I’m looking for a good plant shop. I’d much rather...
magentablue replied:
For indoor plants I really like Jordan's Jungle in Pawtucket. They're currently doing 100% pick up or delivery through September to keep everyone safe. If you follow them on Instagram they do daily deals (which is very dangerous, especially as shipping is very reasonable). Prices are a little higher than big box shops but the plants I've gotten are definitely better cared for.
UntraceableCharacter replied:
I love Jordan’s for that quick fix, but highly recommend checking out Logee’s. They are opening tomorrow again and it’s HUGE. Like a 45 ish min ride from Prov though
bradshaw1992 replied:
A good nursery is worth a drive. Have you ever been to [The Farmer's Daughter]( https://www.thefarmersdaughterri.com/) in South Kingstown? It's heaven on Earth. Jordan's Jungle is great for a quick trip, but Farmer's Daughter is greenhouse after greenhouse after greenhouse of surprises. Have a look at the photos people have added to the [Google listing](https://www.google.com/search?q=farmer%27 s+daughter+ri&oq=far&aqs=chrome.0.69 i59 j69 i57 j0 l2 j69 i60.1099 j1 j7&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:505769706310172742,rc_q:The%2520Farmer's%2520Daughter,ru_q:The%2520Farmer's%2520Daughter,trex_id:N3QLvf)