Newbie question 2: I need recommendations for a handyman to hang some cabinets in the laundry room, bathroom, and garage.
Question 3: We also need recommendations for...
Cheryl S. replied:
Brian Benkowski262-409-0931
Ilene W. replied:
Pikes Electric in Lake Sumter.
Doris H. replied:
I have used Ray Bouchard from the villages for the past 5 years and have always been pleased. He does it all, other than involved electrical, he puts up fans and does light switches.(352) 205-2794. Tell him I sent you. And he's easy on the eyes as well! Lol
Patricia F. replied:
I used Hayes electric and was happy with them 352 5363400
Janet P. replied:
Mary Ann- yes, Docs Restoration.
Janet P. replied:
We had Docs Restoration for handyman stuff. We've been given the name Exceptional Electric for reliable/reasonable electrician but have not used them yet.
Michael M. replied:
Call the Right Guys at 352- 308-7646. They are honest, reliable and do not require any up front money.
Bob C. replied:
Handy Man Service by Jim 352-801-3902 He can do a lot of what your asking. Fair price and he responds when you call him.
Marnie S. replied:
Handyman in paradise. Wills@352-210-1601. Pikes electric at 352-748-6251.
Looking for electrician to hang a chandelier type light in high ceiling, any recommendations. Thank you.
Eileen R. replied:
Lighting Pros....Tell Clay Eileen referred you...352-804-1123
Eileen R. replied:
Sorry The Light Pros
Lynn M. replied:
Peggy Natschke Ramp, highly recommend Hayes Electric. Owner, not much personality, but workers are top notch. And great prices, we tried several before we found them.
Lynn M. replied:
Hayes Electric352-536-3400 -
Tony C. replied:
Hayes Electric did great work for us too, including putting in and slightly relocating the chandelier.
Dana T. replied:
All About Grout and More offers Handyman Services. They are licensed and insured. (352)801-6595 I know they offer this service.