Hello. Any recommendations on skirts that would be suitable to do this walk? I love wearing skirts and I think I saw some good ideas somewhere, but for the life of me, I...
This is a SOAP and SANDAL question- maybe more for the female hikers, but guys- feel free to weigh in.
1) Anyone find a good all purpose soap for hair, body and...
Kathy P. replied:
Lush shampoo great. Only make 1 lush conditioner (which I need) and it's scent was way too strong for me!! JR Liggets also makes bar shampoos that are good.
Natasha D. replied:
I took Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap. Used it on body, clothing and occasionally on hair. I also took the sample packs of shampoo and conditioner you can get from your hairdresser or purchase in a pharmacy. Lightweight! Do NOT attempt to brush your teeth with Dr. Bronner's! Yuck!! Debbie Garth Michele Wright
Brooke C. replied:
Nancy Harlan, these: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=lush+shampoo+bars (I used one that is not longer available, it was like green and smelled like light eucalyptus) They all smell good, but I just bought a few different types, but the solid shampoo types (or solid bar), but the tin you can get with the solid shampoo and works from head to toe, that's why I got it.
I will be traveling both before and after my walk on the Camino. Therefore, I will need non-hiking clothing, etc. I need to mail a carry-on bag from my starting point in...
Christa N. replied:
Ivar is great, here's the link: http://www.casaivar.com/luggage-storage-in-santiago-de-compostela/
Roger J. replied:
The Spanish PO has a pilgrim rate where you can send a suitcase to Santiago and they will hold it for 30 days and then they will charge you a euro a day. They have a PO at the airport. I forget the how much but go to their website.
Could somebody suggest or research an outdoor clothing store in Bilbao? I'm in Gernika now and need to buy some walking shorts and a belt. Thank you in advance.