Hey does anyone know of anywhere that sells chalk paint in Ballarat or daylesford? Not chalk board paint either cheers
Bethany C. replied:
They sell Websters Chalk Paint at the mill markets, I had to deliver some posters there for them once.
Monique H. replied:
In the first hall, back right hand corner, you are welcome to give me a call if you have any questions on 0401 791 241.
Monique H. replied:
Melanie King before you head into the Mill, you might like to check out the following websites. They show you the paints & colours we sell, tutorials & what Webster's is: http://fusionmineralpaint.com/ http://websterschalkpaintpowder.com/ http://www.missmustardseedsmilkpaint.com/ and we also have a small range of the Voodoo Molly vintage paint. If you are after a colour we don't have Denise A Pilkington can order it in for you.. http://www.voodoomolly.nz/ Cheers Monique
Carmel T. replied:
Monique ten Hove Websters Chalk Paint
Monique H. replied:
You can make it yourself, but I would not recommend 'Plaster of paris' you will get gritty bits in your finish & it is carcinogenic, so please wear a mask when sanding. Webster's contains 9 minerals & goes on smooth. I describe it like baking a cake, you can buy it ready mixed, do it yourself and get mixed results, or purchase the box mix which is Webster's & it works! We sell Fusion mineral paint which is ready made & Voodoo Molly paint also.
Monique H. replied:
Melanie King we sell waxes, hemp oil you name it, everything that goes with the paints.