Looking for anyone researching Thomas Sharp of Haddonfield/Camden area of NJ. He was the surveyor for the Irish Tenth area along the Delaware River, directly across from...
Amie T. replied:
Tim Sapp...I am amazed at how AmericanAncestors.org has helped me with my New England research especially in that timeframe. If you are a member of the LDS church, you have access to an Associate account at no cost. If you are not, then you can STILL use many of their resources at no cost. Do a search for keywords like "Thomas Sharp" or "Irish Tenth". Further, check what databases are available for that county in NJ via their site. FYI...because this is colonial research...many times records are kept on a "district" level instead of "county".
Shirley C. replied:
http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=gilead12&id=I102345? if Correct Thomas Sharp(e) he died NJ son in Maryland
There might be something in here but it's a lot of reading - very interesting though http://nc-chap.org/church/quaker/standingDH3 crop.pdf
Kaye S. replied:
I'm not sure how much you have but these two are good backround. My favorite place for starters is a wiki site https://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/New_Jersey