Looking for landscaping service in South Charlotte (South Park area) I moved here a few months ago, and now that it's nice out I'm looking for a company that can do it...
cltphotogal replied:
I like my guy - Sleigher Lawn Care. My yard has never looked better. He does the regular biweekly stuff - mow, edge, blow - and then he'll take on various projects as needed. He aerated & overseed this last fall and applied a pre-emergent a few months ago. If you're interested, I'll PM you his contact info. I'm over in Starmount so I'm sure he has clients in Southpark as well.
yert1099 replied:
Corona Lawn & Landscape - Miguel Corona. I've been using him for 10 years and he's very reliable and prices are good. 704-891-9301
Need a good landscaper for a muddy, low-sunlight back yard. I have been putting off fixing up my back yard for years and it's time I get it cleaned up and draining...
yert1099 replied:
Corona Landscaping - Miguel Corona 704-891-9301. I've been using him for years along with about 5 of my neighbors.
Imronburgundy83 replied:
If you're up for some DIY, you can use shade grass seed for the overly shady areas. I turned my mostly dirt/rainy mud yard into grass this last season even though I have quite a few mature trees.
belovedkid replied:
You shouldn't seed until fall...so focus on actual landscaping for now (trees/shrubs, natural areas, retaining walls, etc).
If you must, throw down some SUPER cheap seed mid-march, no hay if you can help it. Then, early August, roundup/kill that and then core aerate and seed w high grade fescue. I'd recommend weed man lawn care for fert/lime/weed control (they also offer grub treatments). They can be pricey on the seeding, so look into renting your own aerator for half a day and go to town, throwing out 50lb of seed for every 3-5k sq ft. Water liberally every other day for a few weeks (hope for rain to reduce water bill). If you repeat that for 2-3 years and stay on top of the weeds you'll have an immaculate lawn.
P.A.W.S. Of Central Louisiana is looking for donations. We are a volunteer, non-profit dog rescue located in Pineville. We are in need of many items such as: fencing,...
P.A.W.S. Of Central Louisiana is looking for donations. We are a volunteer, non-profit dog rescue located in Pineville. We are in need of many items such as: fencing,...