Hi, someone has the contact of the chiropracter and his massage therapist wife that lives in Yucay, thanks!
Hola, alguien tiene el contacto del quiropráctico, y su...
Dear community,
I will be arriving in Pisac in one week and staying one month in total <3 and looking for a chiropractor- trained physiotherapist or an osteopath to...
My amazing chiropractor friend Michael P Lande is back in the valley, and able to see patients this Monday. If anyone would like a session (very very highly recommended)...
Any recommendations for the type of body worker to see for chronic back pain post pregnancy? Possibly for pelvic realignment? Chiropractor? Osteopath? Thank you
¿Alguien conoce a un osteópata o quiropráctico holistc en Cusco o el Valle? ¡He hecho algo raro en mi cuello!
Does anyone know an osteopath or holistic chiropractor...
Deycy L. replied:
En Cusco,en Magisterio, Centro Quiropráctico Canadá .