Hi-res aerial images of Sac? Looking for shots that would cover the greater Sac area (EG to W Sac to Folsom Lake) to use in advertising commercial real estate. Does...
sacpilot replied:
Try these guys: American Aerial Mapping or Radman Aerial Surveys. Both at Executive airport and reputable. www.americanaerialmapping.comwww.radaerial.com Hope that helps.
questdragon47 replied:
I know [Shot Archives](https://www.shotarchives.com/) does high-res aerial images, and I know the owner recently started doing real estate recently. I'd try contacting them
therynosaur replied:
Sandwich Spot on 18 th has an awesome aerial with the mountains and everything. Maybe ask where they got theirs?
SkyshotDroneMother replied:
Skyshot.co[skyshot ](http://skyshot.co) We filmed The Kings Hotel, #Doco, CALStrs and 2020 Gateway for Swinerton. Licensed. -Casey
Forkboy2 replied:
Here is all of California. Not sure if this is good enough resolution, but it's free (imagery is public domain) and you can just do screenshots. https://map.dfg.ca.gov/arcgis/rest/services/Base_Remote_Sensing/NAIP_2016/ImageServer?f=jsapi
sonofthales replied:
These are satellite images: If you use USGS's Earth Explorer https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ they have Landsat Imagery that is updated more often than google earth.
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SEQUOIA ELEMENTARY Fall Fesitval Fundraiser needs you!
We will have an area specific for vendor tables. You will need to...