I need a constitutional attorney who is willing to work on contingency.
Julian R. replied:
No Justice. No Peace. So either we find solutions or the Biblical laws of Eye for an Eye will start to take effect. Either lawyers can follow their Oath or they can go to Hell with the rest of em. Period. I see no other choices before us.
Julian R. replied:
no separation, work in concert. judges, prosecutors, D.A.s, Legislature = all Lawyers. With no ethics. No Rule of Law and all under suspicion of Official Oppression and Crimes against the American People in my book. But then again, I want to be proved wrong. Each time I meet another lawyer, I am proved right. Again and again. Cowards and Criminals for loot and power. No love lost, they will not be missed.
Jay-Fn M. replied:
Att. Doug Bonney, ACLU Western Missouri. http://www.aclu-mo.org/legal-docket/bobbie-lane-v-modoc/
Julian R. replied:
There should be Class Actions Suits against ANY and all Oppressors in Authority over our LAWs. Period. I'm ready. Are you? Do we not get recourse for tyranny? Is there not reparations and penalties under Law? Do we not have a right of grievance and due process? WTF this situation is not going to remedy itself. We are bombarded by new BS illegal 'laws" every day. We need to take this bull by the ear, flip her over, castrate him and tie em up till trial. Justice needs a bulldoggin', Bill Picket style.