Used computer hardware store like weirdstuff Hey computer nerds of Silicon Valley I am desperate in trying to find a store like weirdstuff (computer luquidation) that...
tonydi499 replied:
It's not exactly like Weird Stuff but the closest to what you describe would be Excess Solutions on S 7 th St.
forhorglingrads replied:
> used tech store and build a computer for cheaper. It never occurred to me to try and build a computer with the stuff they sold.
boo-how replied:
Maybe Anchor Electronics is still open. It was on Walsh.
Wheels are on. Just have to wait for the rest of the screen to come into the hardware store then I can finish. Once done Zephyr will get a new friend. Any body near me...
Had pizza at the new Pizza Factory in Hacienda Gardens last night...great food, but they had a huge mural on one wall depicting a street scene of WG circa 1938/1939. ...