Local asbestos testing? There's a pretty good chance that my attic has asbestos-contaminated insulation in it, and I'd like to get it tested. I've considered the...
TheTablespoon replied:
http://www.nvllabs.com/ They have a spot on 99 near Greenlake.
incognito_wizard replied:
If you test for it then you know it's up there and have to report as such if you sell your home in the future. Not that it really matters since the buy will probably come to the same conclusion.
leftcoastmoderate replied:
As long as you've read up on what to look for the mail in test should be fine. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the insulation may have been contaminated. Odds are if you have asbestos, it's because that's how the insulation was manufactured back in the day not that the asbestos was added accidentally.
The two main types you're likely to run in to are vermiculite and pipe wrap. If you find some suspect mineral wool type insulation, might as well send that in as well. Regardless, there aren't that many places you're likely to find asbestos insulation since people just didn't bother to insulate their homes all that much back in the day.
Where you're almost definitely going to find asbestos is in old vinyl flooring, old cement shingles, furnace and pipe wraps and some old ceiling popcorn.
ritzrawrr replied:
http://www.pnwig.com/inspection-services.html I used PNWIG for Lead-based paint testing. Give their office a call and they can give you a ballpark quote.