Looking for someone who could possible bake two dozen cookies shaped as a shirt or tie. My Son is returning from serving a LDS Mission. I have called all the local...
Kimberly R. replied:
Let me check with Desert Book. If they have a cutter I will go that route. I will check today! I need them by Saturday.
Amanda A. replied:
Niki Bagley
Mindy H. replied:
Holly Ward
Adrienne B. replied:
Karen's cookies has some. You order online and can pickup in their store. http://www.karenscookies.net/search.asp?keyword=Tie&search=GO I could possibly make them for you. Here is my bakery page https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=176059482437124&ref=bookmark
Kimberly M. replied:
Paisley Cakes
Jill A. replied:
Shirley Sermon Labrum amazing!! Made me some whale cookies. They were delicious too
Looking for about 12 to 14 five gallon storage buckets with lids. Anyone know of a bakery or somewhere that might use them that would want to get rid of some? We...
Steve-Donna H. replied:
Go to broulims and check with Lila Christensen. Hope you all are well miss you!