Hello everyone,
This will probably be question #9,999 regarding the same topic but does anyone know any good English-speaking dentist? The location in Sofia itself does...
MiDent http://mident.bg I know their site isn't in English but almost everyone there speaks perfect English and I got two root canal treatments and some crowns done there and no problems at all.
Hey guys, sorry if it's spam:
Does anybody of you know a good dentist in sofia (who can maybe speak english:D )
Thank you very much! Have a nice day :)
Fatme F. replied:
Diamed Sofia, in Mladost 1, Jerusalem 6, 4 th floor. The dentists and the nurses speak English and its the most professional and modern clinic I've seen so far.
Petya Y. replied:
Pansanus.com, it's close to the Mall of Sofia. Dr. Dodovska speaks English and I've met other foreigners there while waiting for my appointments. Good luck (going to the dentist is not the most pleasant thing in the world)!
Natalie A. replied:
Hristo Dimitrov is!
Tania S. replied:
Dimitar Rochev, he is really good and speaks English:)
João N. replied:
Dental Confor in James Boucher, he speaks english and is really good.
Sonia E. replied:
Dr. Yassin Niz0887771021 Borovo neighborhood, ask him to better explain to you how to get there cause I took a taxi! He was professional and spoke perfect English. I'm happy with the quality of his work (he is a Swiss surgeon as far as I know !)...I hope this helps!!:)
Joost S. replied:
George K. replied:
This gal kicks ass https://www.facebook.com/Gentle-Dental-Studio-253079818219269/
John-Ari F. replied:
DDK Dental center, close to Bulgaria blvd. The best possible dentist in town...
They don't, but call them and ask. They are not the cheapest you can find but the job they do is unbelievable. 02/981 96 31 0899187641
Tsvetomila T. replied:
You can contact this one Nikolai Marinov . He speaks English very well and takes care of my teeth since 2011. He was recommended to me by a specialist and now some friends of me use his service as well. http://www.hmdentalstudio.com/ekip/dr-nikolay-marinov.html T: (+359) 2 958 96 41 M: (+359) 888 82 88 87 M: (+359) 888 77 83 77
Deyan K. replied:
This is your guy - http://www.aleksandarvalev.com Before him always had bad luck and experience with dentists..but now I am very happy with everything he made in my mouth:)
An T. replied:
Blagovest Kitev the best one:)
Irina P. replied:
Dr. Yavor Yaromirov0898 731456His studio is close to Pirogov Hospital. He is a surgeon as well.
Good morning guys.
Does someone know an serius Dentist in Sofia? Would be nice if its close to my flat. Street name ulitsa lerin.
Would be nice if he could speak...
Olivier A. replied:
Hey Jurgen this is mine dentist. He speaks perfect English and he works perfectly. his practice is located next to ndk macdonald. His name is Boyan chakarov and this is his number 088 8213486. Hope he can help
Indrashis C. replied:
Pedram FG
Yordan I. replied:
Zabolekarsofia.com, it's right behind Billa on Bulgaria blvd
Valentina B. replied:
I would recommend my English speaking dentist, she is taking care of all my family. Her studio is at Ami Bue Street you can go on foot. https://www.facebook.com/lilia.kacharova?fref=ts
Claude F. replied:
best in sofia: http://www.confident.bg/en/
Victor K. replied:
My dentist Dr Bojidar Dimitrov at Smile Dental Services has enviable reputation, USA background/experience and international clientele. His website is at http://sofiadentist.com/
Galya H. replied:
Ich empfehle dir sehr Krasimir Todorov Er ist auch mein Zahnarzt. Mein Ehemann hatte große Probleme mit Zahnärzte in Deutschland und vertraute keinem bis er bei Dr. Todorov war. Jetzt erzählt er allen, die müssen zum Zahnarzt unbedingt nach Sofia kommen. Kein Schmarn:) Sein Kabinett ist in der Nähe von Pazar Krasno selo, nicht weit von Pirogov.
Help me please! I need an emergency dentist that can help me straight away. I have not been abe to sleep the last 2 nights. I was thinking to go tomorrow but I cannot...
Ina G. replied:
Radina P. replied:
These guys saved me on a Sunday night few years ago. They are great, a bit expensive, but don't wait. Go https://www.dsdent.com
Alexandra P. replied:
Maybe they can help you here - they are open on Sunday (I had the same pain trobules last year and was successfully treated there): http://eo-dent.com/en/Contacts.c131
Paul H. replied:
Great guy personal friend and will work for an emergency Yavor, 089 8731456
Albena P. replied:
Olli Oliveira, go to Tokuda http://www.tokudabolnica.bg/en/dental-medicine