Serious deep therapeutic massage? Any recommendations for a seriously deep massage therapist in town? Mine moved to Metchosin. Preferably north Victoria or south...
stevo911_ replied:
Have you searched massage in this sub? There was the exact same thread a couple weeks ago with lots of answers. hn6 e/looking_for_a_brutally_strong_massage_therapist/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=VictoriaBC
cscream replied:
I see Jared at [Synergy]( and he's fantastic. I like a ton of pressure in my massages and he definitely delivers.
derekja replied:
if shiatsu is your bag, I have recently had a really good massage at Very deep and strong.
renterrabbit replied:
Not related, but what would you consider South Saanich or North Victoria? I’ve never heard any of either of those to describe a location in the city..