ISO - Residential cleaning service (for a private home). Looking for weekly or every other week to help with catching up, seasonal needs, and maintenance cleaning and...
Michael H. replied:
Donna Frost
Kim D. replied:
House keeper heroes ahUKEwikgM_s_orNAhWGTCYKHcQkCCwQFgg9MAM& yv6 dq-ISKa7 a1 qLekneP8 cA&bvm=bv.123664746,d.eWE
Missi F. replied:
Julie Dion
Keri M. replied:
Tania Carvalho Veronica Feliciano do my house! They are great and reasonable!
In need of a good house cleaning. Your carpets haven't been vacuumed in a while? bathrooms all yucky? hardwood floors full of cat hair, dog hair and dust ? kitchen floor...
Robin B. replied:
Nancy Reardon it depends on what specifically you are looking for I would be happy to stop by and discuss your options and offer you a free no obligation estimate
Robin B. replied:
Nancy Reardon I am around this weekend and would be happy to meet with can reach me at 5084419581
Virginia B. replied:
Paul Levesque and maybe Barbara, not sure, are u related to them, I was from Whittenton.