Reader question:
I'm looking for HEALTH insurance options for myself and daughter. Do people recommend getting an insurance agent or applying online? If so, what are...
Melissa M. replied:
i used to work for an agent, jim bokshan 248-822-6070. can get u quotes for different companies. best to get something now & not have to worry about that awful,exchange option! :) pm me if u have questions or call the # for jim!
Thomas S. replied:
We have access to all the plan types. Feel free to call us at 248-720-1130. I can run you through all the options. I know Jim too, he's a good agent located in Troy.
Andy K. replied:
I am a local agent and can be reached at 586-913-5490. I am certified to work both on and off of the Obamacare marketplace. I'd be happy to help you out.
Ann J. replied:
HAP has a great calculator that can help you pick a plan based on your own situation, for example if you are planning any procedures or planning to have a baby. Be sure to look past just the monthly premium, the deductibles and co-insurance can add up if you use the plan! HAP | Health Insurance |