Looking for a replacement donkey dick
Does anyone know where I can get hold of a cabrinha security pin aka donkey dick for the 2013 bar? The only one I can find...
Iain H. replied:
Canada is a bit closer: http://www.windspirit-direct.com/kitesurfing/accessories/display.cfm?pro_id=1543
Iain H. replied:
Or France. http://www.francekiteshop.com/fr/kiteshop/pi%C3%A8 ces-d%C3%A9 tach%C3%A9 es-kite/pieces-detachees-cabrinha/pieces-detachees-kitesurf-2013/doigt-de-securite_1037 Just do a search for KS3SECPNT
Nickolay D. replied:
Surely you will find it somewhere closer and they have only 2015 model, but I'm sharing the link also for everyone else. That's Pryde Group online shop for Asia and the assortment is really impressive. They can send by regular post to Europe if you email them.
Adam P. replied:
2 xs.co.uk
Nickolay D. replied:
Straight from the source: https://www.asap-direct.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=463&page=shop.browse&search_type=&npww_adv_search_category_id=&selCategory=&selSubcategory=&selSubsubcategory=&selSize=&Itemid=74&limitstart=0&limit=320
Anyone had experience finding spares for RRD kites? Need a replacement part for the chicken loop. I got referred to the guy who is the UK distributor, but have had no...
James R. replied:
Give Rossco Moore at 2XS, X-Train, WWWC a message he'll be able to help you!
Rossco M. replied:
01243 512552 give us a call we should have it in stock if it's just the chicken finger