Hi guys, I have a number of articles of clothing which need some simple repair (2 pairs of shorts with tears, another that just needs a button reattached, a poncho that...
Jean C. replied:
Elena Gorshkova
Khurram S. replied:
one of these three shops at Hala Strzegomska can help you:) https://www.google.pl/maps/@51.1112386,16.9601226,3 a,75 y,255.81 h,83.72 t/data=!3 m7!1 e1!3 m5!1 sy0FGgk-d_VpRhXsP5 hjx6A!2 e0!6 s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3Dy0FGgk-d_VpRhXsP5 hjx6A%26 output%3Dthumbnail%26 cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26 thumb%3D2%26 w%3D100%26 h%3D80%26 yaw%3D331.12433%26 pitch%3D0!7 i13312!8 i6656?hl=en