PUBLICITY? ? We have tandems and tagalongs coming out of our ears in Cheshire but very few enquiries about borrowing. Have you had any success in advertising in Special...
Ray H. replied:
Oops try again. Starting to get interest from some local educational establishments but it's been slower than I thought. As you know it's about finding the right people in those institutions - general emails to senior management/admin in boxes haven't been a great success for me. On another note I see a new autism hub just down the road from my office which I intend to visit soon.
Alex R. replied:
Just so that everyone knows, we have tandems not just in Cheshire but all over the UK. Drop me a line via our website, , and I'll put you in touch with our nearest Helper(s).
Alex R. replied:
Of course,
Hemichat G. replied:
I will advertise on our charity too Worth trying some of the bigger ones also if not already ...scope, cerebra, Hemihelp, mencap etc
Hi. I have been given the information about your charity by my sons doctor and have also just seen an advert in the National Autistic Society ( cheshire area) leaflet....
Alex R. replied:
Yes, the website is and I'll put you in touch as soon as I receive the Contact Form. Good to see that people are letting others know about us.
Michelle P. replied:
Hi Brian . It was my sons paediatrician who is based at The Countess of Chester Hospital and in the Great Sutton health clinic who recommended charlottes Tandems. I can inbox her name if you wish?