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Our Promise

Here at WhoDoYou we are working hard every day to help you find great local businesses recommended by friends & neighbors.

Our mission is ambitious, but straightforward: to build the most trusted site for finding local businesses. In order to do that, we need to earn and keep your trust, every day.

So, this is our promise to you: We will only access the information for which you provide explicit permissions. Only Facebook posts that have been selected for public viewing will be displayed on WhoDoYou. WhoDoYou only searches for posts that are specifically related to local business recommendations. And, your private information, and friend-only posts, will always stay within your network. All private information will remain private.

We encourage all our users to read Facebook's privacy policy carefully, as well as the WhoDoYou privacy policy. Take the time to read these policies so you can feel confident using WhoDoYou, and so you can benefit from all the amazing information available to you.

Finally, we thought we'd point out the obvious. At WhoDoYou we're real people too, with families and friends that we care about. We are personally mindful of the information about us which is shared and accessible online. We care deeply about this topic, so we have built WhoDoYou to adhere to a set of principles around which we can feel proud.

If at any time you feel uncertain about this promise, or wish to provide your input, we encourage you to reach out to us directly. Please email

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