22years in practice..Dr. Rigler retired last August 2012, and has now got a stable associate. -diversified and torque release are the main techniques, but can emulate most. also use arthrostim, activator, and integrator devices. -studied and proficient with the application of cutting edge laser therapy, ifc, tens,ultrasound,shortwave diathermy, vertetrac ambulatory traction, stationary hilll table traction, nutrition supplements, kinesiotaping methods, Reiki master, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, surface emg, thermography. -really for 35.00..who else has as many treatment options/diagnostic options?
Does anyone know of a chiropractor who does emergency appointments? My son has a tic disorder and has popped his jaw out of joint. His regular chiropractor isn't open until Tuesday, and he's in a lot of pain.
Yovanka A. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Rigler-Chiropractic-Corp/166293686736912. He's open limited hours Saturday's I think .