Can you tell me about (child) speech therapy services in YYC? Hi All!
We've just learned that we're moving to Calgary at the beginning of summer, and while I'm looking forward pancake breakfasts in July, sorting out the healthcare stuff is leaving me overwhelmed!
One of my kids is currently receiving speech therapy services and it's desirable to resume her sessions as soon as possible upon settling in. Does anyone have any advice about finding a good speech therapist or specific recommendations? I'd really appreciate any comments ...
Anonymous replied:
I used to work for the charity Autism Calgary, if your child has ASD or if you're just looking for info give them a call. (403)-250-5033, their office hours are 10:30-5 pm TWT. They have lots of resource information and should be able to point you in the right direction. Sorry I can't remember any of the different speech therapists.