Looking for a good Home Inspector Morning you sexy Vulcanites,
I am going through the house buying process and was wondering if anyone had a good home inspector they would reccomend. Feel free to PM if there is anything you dont want public like pricing or personal past experiance.
Also, I had Shipley's for the first time yesteryday. Holy crap that place is good. Why has no one told me about it?!
MadisonU replied:
I used [Griffith Home Inspections](https://www.ghaonline.com/) for my house shopping. They were *very* thorough.
Can anyone recommend a good home inspector? Someone really anal retentive. The person or company you dread seeing when you're trying to sell your house.
rjruther replied:
Griffith Home Analysis. (205) 871-1007 He talked me out of buying a house with some serious problems (I hope any inspector would have done the same) but he is extremely thorough and fits your description. I used Ed (the younger inspector) and will definitely do so if and when I buy another house.
Recommendations for a home inspector for a property in Alabaster - either to use or avoid. Thanks!
Rene P. replied:
Griffith Home Analysis. They have every certification in the book and Andrew sits on many boards. Saved not only me but several of my friends with big mistakes. www.ghaonline.com
Any recommendations for a home inspector most have been booked. My kids have 8 days
Rene P. replied:
http://www.ghaonline.com/ Andrew is a family friend and he is also certified in everything and sits/sat on the Alabama Home inspections board at one time. He saved me from a home before that would of costed us thousands.