I am deeply concerned about something that has come to my attention and I just dont know what to do about it. There is a house at the north-east corner of Elizabeth and Queens that always seems to have a lot of cats there (I counted 12 one day a while ago) They range in age from older to very small kittens, all running loose in the unfenced yard. in the last little while I personally had not seen any cats but I have heard that they are still there, some are getting run over n look sick etc. My son saw two very young kittens running around just yesterday. A few ppl I have talked to say a woman who lives there takes in many strays bug doesnt get them fixed or provide them with any vet attention at all, keeps them outside to breed over and over. My dilemma is this...who can I call to provide shelter for these cats without worrying about them being put down? I would love to take in some but I have a houseful of cats as it is and just cant do it. Any suggestions on how we can help these poor lil cats and somehow get the lady to stop?? I dont want to call Animal Control because Im afraid they will be put down. Are there any local rescue shlters that could help? Or anyone in the community?