Can anyone recommend a pediatrician in the area? We have a family Dr, but I'd like to get Mason in to a pediatrician. Let me know, thanks:)
Bernadette B. replied:
@the kakulu medical centre we see Dr. Jacqueline Joly who is terrific. If you would like homeopathic recommendations as part of your care she can note you down that you'd like to hear of such approaches. I love how she operates: i've never waited long er than 5 mins with scheduled appts (if u're late she has a stiff late penatly fee which allows her to keep a well oiled ship re: scheduling). She usually scheudles all infants or regular appts in the morning; keeping key time slots in the afternoon open for emerg. visits or unscheduled appts. Some parents do not have the greatest experience with her b/c she is focused and very thorough with children; not coddling parents, and I like that she is up to date on most child care practices. 613.591.3339.